How to Disable Delivery Optimization Windows 10

How to Disable Delivery Optimization Windows 10

Disabling Delivery Optimization takes up a lot of bandwidth on Windows 10, but it is possible to disable it.

How to Disable Delivery Optimization via Settings

Suppose you are concerned about how other PCs can download your updates. In that case, you might want to disable Windows 10's delivery optimization feature. This feature is designed to ensure that your computer receives updates in the fastest possible time. By default, it will download updates from other PCs on your network if yours is a member of the same network.

Thankfully, disabling Delivery Optimization is easy. Microsoft has included a toggle in the Settings app under Update and Security. It will take you to the page where you can choose how you want updates to be downloaded. Scroll down to the bottom and look for the Delivery Optimization option. In older Windows 10, the link will be labeled "Change how updates are delivered."

If you'd like to turn off Delivery Optimization completely, you'll want to access the Windows Registry. This powerful tool will allow you to change many settings. However, it's best to do this only if you're a power user. There are many settings to edit in the Registry Editor, so ensure you have some knowledge and experience.

Once you've made the changes, restart your PC to see them. Once you've done this, Delivery Optimization will no longer try to contact other PCs through the cloud. In the meantime, you can see the amount of bandwidth Delivery Optimization uses and how often the Windows updates are shared with other users. You can also see the number of users who have shared files with you through the Activity Monitor.

How to Disable Delivery Optimization via Registry Editor

If you want to turn off Delivery Optimization on Windows 10, you can use the registry editor. Follow these steps:

  1. Open Registry Editor by pressing Win+R and typing "regedit.exe" in the box.
  2. Navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\DeliveryOptimization."
  3. Right-click on "DeliveryOptimization" and select "New" -> "DWORD (32-bit) Value."
  4. Name it "DisableWindowsUpdateDeliveryOptimization" and set the value data to "1".

Delivery Optimization is a feature that Windows has added in the Anniversary Update to help reduce the time it takes to download updates. However, turning it off does not completely disable the updating feature. It simply forces your devices to download updates directly from Microsoft. However, if you have a metered internet connection, you might want to turn off Delivery Optimization to minimize data usage.

To disable Delivery Optimization, you must change the settings that determine how much download and upload data can be cached. For example, suppose you want to disable Delivery Optimization. In that case, you should change the setting that says "Max Cache Age" to "0" or "Unlimited." This setting will prevent Delivery Optimization from caching content that is more than 100MB in size.

Delivery Optimization is a peer-to-peer (P2P) service that helps download Windows updates from other PCs. While this can be beneficial in certain circumstances, it is problematic for users with data caps.

How to Disable Delivery Optimization via Group Policy

You can use the Group Policy settings if you want to disable delivery optimization on Windows 10. Several settings will control how much data your computers can download from other users. These include the maximum download bandwidth and monthly upper limits in GB and percent. In addition, you can set up business hours for transfer volume limits. Once you've set these policies, you can check whether delivery optimization is active on individual computers. In addition, you can launch the Activity Monitor on separate machines to view how much data is being downloaded.

To disable Delivery Optimization, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Group Policy Editor: At the start menu, type "gpedit.msc" and enter.
  2. Go to "Computer Configuration" -> "Administrative Templates" -> "Network" -> "QoS Packet Scheduler".
  3. Double-click on Limit bandwidth limiter settings for Windows Update (Do not apply) and click Edit.
  4. In the Limit bandwidth limiter settings for Windows Update dialog box, uncheck Allow the bandwidth limiter to set priorities on network traffic.
  5. Click "Apply/OK" and then click "OK" on the "Group Policy Editor" window.
  6. In the Group Policy Editor window, double-click on Allow the bandwidth limiter to set priorities on network traffic and then click Edit.
  7. The Allow the bandwidth limiter to set priorities on network traffic dialog box will open.
  8. Uncheck Enable this policy setting and click OK.
  9. Click OK on the Group Policy Editor window and then close it.

With this setting disabled, Windows 10 Delivery Optimization will not limit your downloads or uploads.

Windows 10 uses the Host Delivery Optimization service, which helps users download updates faster. This service uploads updates to servers and then downloads them to their computers. This improves the speed of downloads and reduces the bandwidth issues that come with updating a system. However, reports have shown that this service causes problems for some users.

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