How to Fix the 5 Common Windows System Errors

How to Fix the 5 Common Windows System Errors

Whether you're an IT department or an individual with a home PC, we all get hit with common Windows system errors from time to time. Fix them!

The 5 Most Common Windows Errors

Windows errors are common and can happen to anyone. We will discuss the 5 most common Windows errors you may encounter and how to fix them.

  1. Windows 10 Update error: This is one of the most common errors you may encounter. It is usually caused by the lack of an internet connection or a failed update process.
  2. Slow performance: This is another widespread Windows error that usually occurs when there are too many programs running at once or when a virus in your system has slowed down your computer's performance significantly.
  3. Blue Screen of Death: This is one of the most severe Windows errors you may encounter, as it causes your entire system to crash and stop working.
  4. The "This app cannot open" error: It occurs when you try to open an application that has been damaged or corrupted.
  5. No internet connection: This is another widespread Windows error that usually occurs when there is a problem with your network or when you have forgotten to turn on the Wi-Fi or Ethernet.

How to Fix the 5 Most Common Windows Errors

  1. Windows 10 Update error: To fix this error, please restart your device and try updating it again later on.
  2. Slow performance: To fix this issue, please restart your device and disable any unnecessary programs before restarting it to see if the problem persists.
  3. Blue Screen of Death: To fix this error, please restart your device and see if the problem persists. If it does, please check on the Windows updates to ensure that there are no corrupt drivers that need to be replaced before restarting your computer again.
  4. The "This app cannot open" error: Often, the application will not launch at all, and instead, you will see this message on your screen.
  5. No internet connection: To fix this issue, restart your device and try connecting to the internet again.

Windows Boot Errors

Windows boot errors are a common problem for any computer user. It is not always easy to troubleshoot the issue, but there are some ways that you can try and fix the problem. There are a few different types of Windows boot errors, but they all have one thing in common: they all mean that Windows is not loading correctly.

The most common type of error is the BOOTMGR is missing error. This usually means that your system files are corrupted and must be repaired or replaced.

The other type of error is the NTLDR missing error, which means that your system files may be damaged or deleted from your hard drive. If you have this problem, you should try using System Restore to go back in time and restore those files before they were deleted or corrupted.

If your computer crashes with a blue screen of death (BSOD), there is an unexpected error during the boot process. This can be caused by hardware failure, malware, or other software problems.

Missing DLL Files

A problem with missing DLL files can make running Windows a frustrating experience. Fortunately, there are ways to fix missing DLL errors. Restarting your computer can fix the error, uninstall software, and update known programs. These solutions aren't always perfect, but they often resolve the issue.

First, try restoring your system. This is the easiest way to fix this error, since you are restoring your system to an earlier state. Another option is to launch a command prompt with administrator privileges by pressing Windows + X. During this process; the system will repair all DLL files.

Secondly, you should check your PC for malware. Malware can corrupt DLL files. If you suspect malware, run a virus removal program, such as Malwarebytes, to check if the problem is related to malware. If this doesn't work, try unregistering and reregistering the DLL file. Alternatively, you can use System Restore to restore the files.

Reinstalling software is another easy way to fix DLL errors. Some programs require a specific version of a DLL file. In such cases, installing another software version that requires the missing file from a different system is possible. Once you've done that, try rebooting your computer. However, if that doesn't work, you may need to reinstall the software.

If you can't locate the DLL file, use the Windows system file checker. The system file checker is situated in the system settings. To launch it, press WIN+I on your keyboard and type "sfc /scannow." Wait a few minutes, and then restart your computer to check if it works.

Another solution to missing DLL files is to re-register the missing file. However, it's not always effective. Sometimes, the missing DLL file is accidentally deleted. In such a case, you can try to restore the missing DLL file from your Recycle Bin.

If these methods fail, try using a professional registry cleaner like MWSoft. Alternatively, you can download and install the latest Windows updates to fix your operating system (OS).

A List of Common Windows Error Codes

The most common Windows error codes are:

  • 0x8007065D - ERROR_PROCESS_LIMIT
  • 0x80070005 - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
  • 0x8007065D - ERROR PROCESS LIMIT
  • 0x80070057 - WINDOWS UPDATE ERROR
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